Was I just complaining about no snow?
That's spring in Colorado-I took the pictures this morning and now it's up to 50 and most of it is melted. Crazy.
Anyway, I'm headed to the airport to head off to California for my race. Do I feel ready? No. Am I scared? Yes.
Wish me luck.
Good luck.
Good Luck!!! I will sign up for another one early May....
Travel Safe and Run Safe!!!!
I didn't realize, or maybe just forgot, that your race is in California. I have a (new Boston!) friend running that same one this weekend. If there weren't tons of people running a bunch of different legs at various times in the middle of the night I'd tell you to look out for her:)
Anyway...GOOD LUCK. I have no doubt you can do it and can't wait to hear all about it once you're done!
Good luck my friend...beautiful picturs!
I know you will do brilliantly on this race...you are ready!
Wish I could be there to cheer you on :)
Have fun! Miss you so much....
I Love This One Of the Best Picture.
Good Luck!! I know you can do this!!!
Spring in Maine is a lot like Spring in Colorado. The temperatures vary each day, although we won't see 80 degree weather until June or July. We get at least one snowstorm in April, which we already had, so I'm hoping we are done with the snow.
I hope your race went well! I look forward to hearing about it. :-)
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