Ok all you moms out there. Any great ideas for relieving nausea? I'll try ANYTHING at this point.
Glaciers, Dogs and Salmon
5 years ago
Ok all you moms out there. Any great ideas for relieving nausea? I'll try ANYTHING at this point.
Posted by Gabriela at 1:22 PM
man I wish I knew, lol it will just have to run its course. My friend is in her 7th month and still sick as a dog and its her 4th as well. Ill pray maybe that will help. Maybe keeping crackers on your stomach at all times?? Sorry
gingerale, eating the second you wake up-crackers. My sister in law had it really bad and her doctor gave her vitamin b shots. Everyone has different relief or none at all. Hang in there. I came here from Mom of 1.
seasickness acupressure wrist bands. They are supposed to work great!
Sorry you're so sick :(
BTW, this IS my real life so if you're ever in TX!!!
For me it seemed like it was related to blood sugar, so keeping a pack of Lifesavers in my pocket was, well a life saver.
Sorry you're feeling poorly!
I wish I could help but I never got it really all that bad. I was just queasy all the time but not so bad that I would puke.
My OB doctor told me to take 1/2 of a Unisom and 50mg of Vitamin b-6 once a day. I took it throughout my 1st pregnancy and at the beginning of my other two. It was very, very effective for me and my children seem to be normal--bratty, but normal.
I even took it (when I wasn't pregnant) when I was having nausea while taking a depression medication.
Another idea, I had a friend who got peppermint oil (as in essential oils) and dabbed a drop behind each ear. She smelled very Christmasy but said it helped so much.
Booo, sorry Gabriela :(
I'm with Sketchy, I'd suck on a lollypop.
I've also heard txmommy's advice: peppermint oil.
Let us know what works, it could be your WFMW.
Non-nauseous hugs your way
Eating probably doesn't sound good but don't let yourself get hungry. Just keep it coming, anything that doesn't make you feel gross. It's that hungry stomach that caused most of my problems. And sucking on something for the extra spit. (Sorry to be gross)
I was really sick with two of mine, and they ended up being the ones who looked most like Hubby. So I just blamed him. ;)
Everyone one of my pregnancies was different, but Gatoraid worked with one of mine.
thanks for all of the ideas. I've got a little shopping list of things to buy this week.
Hello Gariela, I am praying for you and hope you are getting some relief. While it is an exciting time for sure, the sickness just stinks. I will keep praying, I am also so happy for you.
Thankyou for the sweet words you left me also, they meant alot.
God Bless you.
Ginger was my best friend when I was expecting both. I get terribly sick the entire time. If you grate ginger root and put it in your gums the way people that chew tobacco do, it gets into your system pretty quick. Spit it out when it gets too gross.
Gingerale was my other best friend. I would leave a bottle of Canadian Dry on my nightstand and I would just sip a little when I would wake up. It was room temperature which was wonderful for me. Anything too hot or cold set me off again.
They also make ginger tablets and herbal tea.
throwing up always made me feel better :)
ok, seriously, I'll ditto vitamin B complex and eating every 1.5 -2 hrs. I really liked string cheese when I was hungry sick but nothing sounded good. Kept me from puking
Even though I couldn't do it constantly, sleeping on my belly always helped my nausea. I would sleep the cruddiness away when I was able to.
OH I am downing some Vitamin B and some gingerale tomorrow morning. Thanks Gabriela for postin this question. I have yet to FIND RELIEF. I am ready to try one of the vudo accupressure bracelets this week if necessary.
Oh, I'm just so happy for you that you're pregnant. :)
This isn't the "natural" remedy, but if it is really bad, Zofran (perscription from your doctor) really seems to help. I've had 2 friends who needed to be on it for their pregnancies.
2 things to try:
good luck :)
Ginger steeped in a little water can help, you also might try Ginger Altoids.
Oh, if it doesn't leave soon and the Dr.s try to give you drugs, go for the Zofran. It dissolves easily, and if you can't stomach taking pills, there are *alternative* was to take it. DON'T let them give you Phenogren(sp?) it just makes you loopy.
Zofran was my best friend. At $30 a pill, I can say it was worth EVERY penny!!!!
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