Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A Plethora of Muchacha Moments

Remember our fun-loving, ice-cream eating, flower-borrowing maid? Things finally came to a head in December and I decided enough was enough. Events leading up to the straw that broke the camel's back?

First silly, little, annoying things like this:

Everyday my soap dish and my hand soap were next to my sink and our toothbrush and Guapo's razor would be plugged in to recharge:

Everyday after she came through it would look like this:

Plugs not charging, soaps not by the sink.

Bigger things: after Guapo (who's a lot scarier than me) explained to her that she should NOT take our things to her room without asking (flower incident), we found these in her room:

The lily was cut from the garden; Guapo had been waiting to cut them until they were big enough.

I started to get the feeling that I was paying someone not only to annoy me, but also to hide my things from me.

This is hard to see in the picture, but at the top of the closet I found Julio's (6 yrs old) karate belt. He has karate twice a week (read: she knew he needed it) and she was no more than 4'10" tall which makes me believe she either had to throw it up there, or actually got a chair and put it up there. Either way, I was seeing red.

Why? Why, I ask you???

All of these things I was dealing with because I didn't want to go through the hassle of looking for and trying out somebody new, but the final straw came one day when I came home and Julio (6 yrs old) was roaming around the apartment complex by himself. I took him home and found the maid just hanging out (read: NOT looking for Julio) with Juan Carlos (3 yrs). I told her I found him out of the apartment and she said, "Yeah, he got away from me."

Well, that was it. Guapo canned her. We are now on the 3rd new maid in one week. I have more muchacha moments to share, but this post is too long already. I'll have to share at some other time.


Super Happy Girl said...

WOW, what a wacko.
Oh Gabs, what in the world. The flowers, the ice-cream and the salsa have a rational explanation at least, but the belt? And worst of all, roaming Julio?!? Adiós and good riddance to her.
Looking for a Muchacha is not an easy task, buena suerte amiga, ¿quién necesita tanto problema, sobre todo cuando estás embarazada?

the lizness said...

I hope you find a good muchacha soon! you will need help with your new little one coming soon.

Anonymous said...

Now you can enjoy your flowers for much longer. Major problems if you have muchachas and lot of work without them......what are we to do??? Good luck on the "maid hunt"!

Code Yellow Mom said...

Every time I read your muchacha moments, the song comes to my head, "How do you solve a problem like Maria?" (I think it's funny...)

We're looking at an overseas possibility in the next year or so and husband said a few days ago, "You'll probably be able to hire help around the house if you want to." Hmmmmm...The idea is nice. But I would definitely come unglued if my muchacha couldn't keep my muchachos from getting away from her. :)

Hope you have better luck with the next one...

Kristen said...

Almost seems like she was trying to get fired. At any rate, it's good for you she's gone. What a crazy!

Hope you find someone good...

nikko said...

Yikes! Hope the next one is better!

Anonymous said...

So sorry! Hope you find someone you like soon.

Unknown said...

Good luck finding a new maid. I would have fired the one you had, too!

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Good luck!

Super Happy Girl said...

Hey Gabs :( "24" started last night, I didn't know and missed the first 2 hours. Now I'll never catch up!

Super Happy Girl said...

BTW, I saw this: Basic Truths About 24's Jack Bauer, thougth you might like it :).

utmommy said...

I would've canned her too.

Good luck on the next one!

Gabriela said...

NCS:thanks for the Jack link. Just have blockbuster deliever to your house seasons 1-5, since you're having a snow day and all!

Kristen: that's what my husband thought too.

CYM: yeah, there are advatages and disadvantages of having a maid. I don't miss having that girl around at all!

K-squared's mom: hey! How's it going in Africa? What's your maid situation?

Lei said...

unbelievable! what the heck? i'd be seeing all shades of red, too. ugh... so sorry you are having such stress over something that's *supposed* to be making life easier!

An Ordinary Mom said...

That is inconceivable! I can't believe that hired help could do that. I hope you find someone better soon so you can enjoy life a little more.

Sketchy said...

You're sure this muchacha thing is worth it? Yikes!

Nettie said...

Good call on canning her! What a pain to have to find someone new though. I bet your new muchacha will be mucho better, though!