Tuesday, November 09, 2010


It is finally snowing. Just a bit-but it is snowing. Normally Colorado gets it's first snow in October and here we are, almost in mid-November. It seems to me, when I was a kid, it almost always snowed on Halloween making trick-or-treating mighty cold.

My poor kids have been weatherchannel stalkers the past month. I was in Juan Carlos's classroom last week and his teacher told me although she prefers the long fall, she really hoped it snowed soon just for Juan Carlos as he talks about it a lot at school. I can relax now, I was afraid it wouldn't snow until after we've left for Mexico next week for Thanksgiving.

Can I just say how happy I am I'm not headed in to another summer season in Brazil? Christmas in the middle of summer just isn't right.


Janice said...

We had snow yesterday and more is expected tomorrow. I love snow. Juan Carlos and I would be good snow buddies.

Kari said...

I remember going trick-or-treating in the snow, too...

Teresa and Juan Carlos could pray for snow together! She would love to live in snow all year round.

Ballerina Girl said...

Ah, good for you guys...let's hope it snows here soon too! My kids are so ready for snow!
Yesterday it was a balmy, beautiful, sunny 64!!

Me too anout Christmas...I always loved going back to Pgh even if it meant no snow, at least it was cold, as I think it should be :)

I miss you!

Fabiola said...

I hope you are having a wonderful time waiting for real winter and more snow.

I have a draft e-mail for you that I must send soon; )

Unknown said...

I am happy when it snows here right before Christmas. We get snow here any time after October, but we all welcome it in December. It snowed here a few weeks ago for about 20 minutes, but we haven't seen any snow since. That is fine with me. :-)

Are you going to be with extended family in Mexico or just your family for Thanksgiving? Have fun!

utmommy said...

I have the opposite feelings. I am so not ready for the snow. But, I can see why you would want it now. Enjoy!