Thursday, February 08, 2007



The number of posts I have missed during the last 12 days according to Bloglines. Sorry MOFs.

My poor little blog has been neglected. :(

I have not had a baby, we have just had friends visiting for the last week.

I will be making a blogging come back.

Right after I take a nap.


the lizness said...

dang. I was hoping you had your baby. :)

Kristen said...

Anticipating the blogging comeback...and news of the baby. :-) Any decision on the name yet?!

Blackeyedsue said...

It's amazing just how fast your blog gets away from you. I am glad you are back!

utmommy said...

Glad to have you back! I was wondering if you had your baby.

Chellie said...

Glad you're back...

Super Happy Girl said...

How come I miss this?
I don't use bloglines or newsgator anymore, it was getting way too crazy for me, what with all the posts I was behind and always trying to play catch up.
Anyway, glad you are back, I miss my BOFF.