Want to save time blogging and be a better Blog Friend?
Here's a tip for other new bloggers that I recently figured out by reading Tess's Blog. It's bloglines.com. You register with this site (for free), let it know the blogs you follow regularly, and it will alert you when new posts are made. I'll spare you more set-up details because if I can do it, anyone can!
This is saving me a ton of time and therefore, it really Works For Me.
Visit Shannon's site for links to other helpful tips!
Glaciers, Dogs and Salmon
5 years ago
I love bloglines! (just read this there, actually). There's no way I could read every blog that I find interesting if I had to check each one every day for updates.
I love it too! My friend Sariah introduced me to it - she keeps up with 98 blogs (I thought *I* was a geek). I was like, HOW??? and then she told me about Bloglines.
I love bloglines as well.
I use bloglines, too, and like that I can also use it for my blogroll on my blog (can I use blog a couple more times in one sentence?!)
ok, so apparently I'm the only one in the blogosphere that didn't know about bloglines!!!!
For months I have been going down my blogroll!
BOFF, sorry, I weep for you.
Naddin was the one who saved me from going down my blogroll with Bloglines. Hey, that's ok, you'll now spare the newbies from headaches :) Good tip!
Sariah reads 98 blogs? I don't feel bad anymore.
Love bloglines.
That really is the best way to do it - using an aggrigator like Bloglines. Anything else can be hit-or-miss at best.
What a great idea. Going to have a look now! Thanks for the tip!
I love bloglines. It really is a great time saver!
Don't feel bad, I had never heard of it until, um, two seconds ago when I read your post. Thanks. Do we need a new blogger support group? I still haven't figured out how to change my background!!!
well, I just had my one month blog anniversary so you can add me to the list of people who doesn't already subscribe to bloglines. I will have to go check it out!
I really, really need to do this. I'm entering links on my blog the hard way. :)
I posted a WFMW tip as well. Stop by and take a peek. :)
Great - thanks!! :)
i am a blogliner too- dig it
I love bloglines! Thanks for visiting!
Mary, mom to many
I'm definitly going to have to sign up for that one. Thanks for the tip!
I'm newbie enough to need this...btw for some reason NCS says its not working for my blog, any idea why?
I've used Newsgator for a while but keep hearing rave reviews about bloglines. I'll have to check it out, thanks for the tip! I love reading everyone's "Work's for Me Wednesday" I haven't participated (I can't think of anything original) but I'm enjoying being a spectator. Keep them coming! :)
Thanks for stopping by my site yesterday! I use an RSS reader, and same thing saves a ton of time!! Cool!
omigoodness! I come back from vacation to see I've been actually named on your BLOG!! and I do indeed love bloglines, but when I came home to now over 290 posts to read, I'm a little overwhelmed.
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