Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Works for Me Wednesday-Travel Papers

Since I am traveling this week I thought I would share a travel tip.

When am planning the trip, I print out all of our confirmations, like for airlines, car rentals, hotels, etc. Then I make a Hotmail file just for my travel stuff and keep the emails there until after the trip. With the hard copies, I organize them in the order that I will be using them, and then place them all in a plastic paper protector. Then I place this in my carry-on bag. Other things I include: phone numbers of anyone who may be picking us up, Mapquest driving directions if needed, coupons to attractions we may visit.

This has saved us several times when the hotel or car rental place has mysteriously lost our reservation.

Works for me!

Visit Shannon's site for links to other WFMW participants!


Nettie said...

That is a great idea. I'm sure with all the travels you've done that has come in handy!

I like to research on the internet and print up about fun places to visit and fun things that may be happening at our destination. That way figuring out what to do when we get there is easier, especially if we won't have internet access.

Hope you are having a good trip/move!

Mama Duck said...

Excellent idea. Now I wish for a vacation....

Hey, I'm hosting the COTV today, stop in if you have a minute...

Anonymous said...

Oh I totally know how you feel... great idea about the page protectors. With all our travel, I have the pages, but they inevitably get spilled on, crushed, ripped or whatever. :)
Great idea

Brooke said...

Keeping them in a protector is a good idea since my papers usually end up all over the place. Thanks.

Hope your trip and move all go well for you.

Amy said...

Wonderful idea- particularly when they say that they lost your reservation. GRRR....!

Beck said...

That's really smart - very organized! I'm going to copy that the next time we go on a trip.

Kristen said...

OK, you are way too organized. You should teach a class. Organization 101, or Organization for Dummies (like me!)

Great idea!

TheNormalMiddle said...

Will this work as I travel 5 miles to walmart...seems to be the extent of our travel lately! A wonderful idea I'll keep in mind if we ever do get to go far away again! :)

Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

Terrific idea. Thanks :)

Super Happy Girl said...

Great tip. A++++++

Gabriela. Ok, I have witnesses who can vouch for my sanity and that I'm really not stalking you.
I do the exact same thing, one of the many reason I'm the "Commissioner of Safety".
The crazy extra thing I do is: also saving a document in my Palm, for even easier access and editing.

Tienes excelente ideas :)

Patti said...

Great idea - I have done kind of the same thing but always used a paper folder...the plastic cover would keep everything a lot nicer :) Thanks!

Gabriela said...

NCS: just more evidence that we really are BOFF. (or really scary stalking bloggers)

Anonymous said...

Have fun on your trip and can't wait for your vacation blogs! Take care!

Millie said...

Wow... again, a great idea from you.

I continue to be amazed. If I had any good ideas, I'd join the club, but I'll just continue to read everyone else's and dream of being a smart girl someday.

Erickson Family said...

Wow -- I do this too! Only I put mine in a manilla envelope instead of a plastic protector which usually gets ripped by the time the trip is over. I'll have to try the plastic protector next time!

I always felt like you were a kindred spirit! :)

Jenn @ Frugal Upstate said...

Wow, that is SO ORGANIZED. I am in awe (you don't alphabetize your spice rack too do you?)