(We interrupt the previously scheduled "Freezer Food Friday" to bring you this Mother's Day Special, already in progress) (read: I am running out of freezer recipes)
I just wanted to take a moment to let my mom know how much I love her. She is a great lady and I miss her all the time as do my kids.
Here's a funny picture of my mom and me on a park bench in Milan last year (the result of taking three young kids on a two week European vacation; never sleeping in the same hotel for more than 2 nights). It's not the most attractive photo of either of us, but it makes me happy when I look at it. Two moms, just wiped out. It also serves as a hint to Guapo as to what I want for Mother's Day this year (I'd love a trip to Italy, but I'll settle for a nice nap):10 Reasons I Love My Mom:
- She is an awesome shopper. Bargain hunter extrodinaire. Her specialty: shoes.
- She loves to travel and therefore visits us wherever we are; she is the only person from our families that was brave enough to visit Small Town twice.
- She loves (and spoils) the grandkids like crazy.
- She makes the best manicotti ever. She is not Italian, but she married one and can now cook like one.
- She is my athletic idol. The woman has run ever since I can remember and started running marathons at the age of 54. Thanks to her, I will always value physical fitness.
- She taught me from the get go the importance of honesty. That has stuck with me all of my life.
- She is young at heart and has taught me that much of growing "older" has to do with your attitude.
- She is always there for those who need her. She is a friend to the friendless.
- I know all decisions she made while she had kids at home were done with her children in the forefront of her mind. I appreciate the sacrifices she made to have me and to raise me and my brother and sister.
- While devoting a good part of her life to raising her family, she has maintained her own identity. She is a successful, smart, strong woman who has her own life and own interests.
Happy Mother's Day Mom! I love you.
I am so grateful for the chance to be a mom to my three wonderful kids. I want to thank all of the women in my life that have helped me along the way. Like my amazing mother-in-law who has my undying respect after successfully raising not only Guapo, but 5 other rambunctious boys and 1 girl (and remaining sane). Like Grammy, whom I visit as often as I can; I always tell Guapo a trip to Grammy's house is a heck of a lot cheaper than therapy and parenting classes. And like Dorothea, my kids' teacher here in Small Town, who reminds me of the magical"ness" of childhood and how amazing little kids really are.
And to my friends Jules, Elin, Mandy and Rita (among others) whom over the years have told me, "I know just how you feel". Those little words help so much when I have occasional feelings of inadequacy regarding my mothering. I have this warped idea stuck in my head that if I am not doing cartwheels to play Candyland 15 times in a row or play Play-doh again or if I have a sudden urge to get away from my kids now and then, I am not a good mom. So many thanks to my dear friends that get to see me when I am not at my best, and they still make me feel like I am a great mom.
And to all of you mommy bloggers, it helps me so much to read of your joys and sorrows of motherhood so that I know that I am not alone in this most important job in the world.
Happy Mother's Day to one and all.
Gabs-That was a beautiful Mother's Day post. Thank you for your compliment. You are truly one of the best mom's I have ever known (and also one of my best friends).
BTW-Your mom is my athletic idol too. I can honestly say she has rubbed off on me through you. I always tell my running buddies about my friend's 50-something year old marathon running mom.
That was GREAT! Your Mom must be so proud of you and touched by the sweet tribute. Thank you for the kind words in my direction. Everyone who reads our blogs must know that we have formed a "mutual admiration society". You're a Wonderful Mom and your kids are blessed every day to have you - as are we all! Love you!
Awwww, that's beautiful!
Congrats on your mom, mom-in-law and for being a mom.
Everyone must be very proud of you :)
That was beautiful Jacq. Once I quit crying, I will write more. Thank you my child.
Happy Mother's Day to you. Sweet post.
What a cute picture. I love your tribute to motherhood!! I know exactly how you feel!! LOL!
In the short time that we've known each other, I have been in constant awe at your mothering skills, at your involvement and dedication to the things you believe in and at your determination to make each day a productive one. I am inspired to be a better mom and a better person by your example! For these and more, thank you! Happy Mothers' Day too, Gabriela.
What a nice tribute! Your mom rocks! And her comment made me cry!
what a great post your mom sounds like a great mom!
That was a great post. And I loved the picture too. Sounds like you have an awesome mom!
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