I'm a little reluctant about sharing my tip today. I don't have a huge urge to announce to the world how cheap I can be, but I don't think I've given any of you a baby gift recently, so here it goes.
When Kohls is having a huge end of season sale, I go and buy up cute baby outfits for 70% off the alreadry marked down price. Then, I store them. When I want to give a baby gift to a friend or an acquaintance, I've got a nice, albeit inexpensive, gift on hand.
Last summer I stocked up on 6 boy outfits and 6 girl outfits. I only have 2 left of each (ever notice how good people are at reproducing?). Here's what remains of the 12 original outfits: They each cost $1.80. Heck, at that price I can give two and look like the generous friend for LESS THAN $5.00.
I save time because, obviously, I don't have to go to the store; and I save money because 1) I bought the gift on sale and 2) it would be impossible for me to go to a store such as Kohls and only buy said baby gift. I would end up buying the baby a gift, myself a gift, Margarita a gift and so on and so forth.
I do this with grown up gifts too-Bath and Body supplies when they have their 1/2 yearly sale, blank notecards and journals from Marshall's and TJ Maxx.
Works for Me!
Have fun checking out other great tips through Shannon's blog.
Glaciers, Dogs and Salmon
5 years ago
GReat idea! Another good benefit from this is that generally you won't have something someone else bought too, so cuts down on duplicates. :)
I do this with baby gifts as well, but hadn't thought of it for the bath and body works etc. I have 3 teen daughters who are asked to birthday parties all the time, and we are always dashing out to find some quick body wash/spray. Great idea.
I love this idea. I think it is a great way to give a really nice gift without breaking the bank. Besides, like lammyann said, your gift becomes more unique since it was bought the season before.
Kudos to you!!
My favorite web site for this is www.slickdeals.net. I just picked up two Faberware stock pots (worth $110 each) for only $20! Two wedding gifts in my closet waiting for annoucements to come!
This is so awesome! I love all the great ideas! I always end up spending more money than I need to, running out at the last minute to buy shower gifts.
no need to be ashamed. I think that's great, and will definitely keep that in mind
Definitely a good idea! I am going to use it for sure!
Very good idea. That is how I usually buy my kids clothes these days. Hadn't thought of doing it for gifts, though!
I told you you'd come up with another brillant idea!!! I wouldn't mind receiving a gift from your stash. It's also a great excuse to shop for more than what you need. I love this idea. It also saves you from grabbing anything at the last minute! I will definitely start doing this!
Your not cheap, your smart!
That is an awesome idea! I never think ahead like that. And I don't think it's cheap; it's smart!
So, can you give us the schedule you have of when things go on sale in all the stores?
i am such a "gift bin" gal- smart baby's closet is stocked with them-- you'll ahve to come sometime to deal mecca and shop with me
Psst...I do stuff like this too. So don;t fret. You're not cheap your FRUGAL! It's a nicer word!
You're my HERO! We have shopped side by side and you have seen my closetful of gifts, so you know where I stand. If we get a great buy on something now that will save us money, time and effort later....WE WIN!
Awesome tip!! Since I have spent so much time lately making baby blankets.
Hey, from a frugal gal, I can say that I think this is a great idea. I do the same thing with gifts for kids birthday parties. And you should think of the gift being worth whatever the non sale price is. . .
That's not so terrible . . . and rather than thinking of it as being "cheap" think of how much more generous you can be than when you're paying full-price. Great idea!
This is a lot like the WFMW I posted today. We are totally smart, me and you!
Thanks for stopping by my site! Just took a whirl around yours and have to say that I've never seen such love coming from monkeys. When our fam goes to the zoo, they (the monkeys, I mean) are usually swinging and screeching at us. You obviously have a gift. (My daughter, who's reading this over my shoulder, just reminded me to add: LOL. So there you go.)
GREAT site. Seriously :-)
I love this idea. The gift is the same gift, whether you paid full price, or got it on clearance, and I *love* to shop at Khol's---wish we had one closer than 85 miles from where we live ;)
that is a way good idea. I have a friend who does the same thing with birthday presents. so smart. Not me-- I'm never prepared in advance and I'm always making a last minute run to the baby Gap the night before the shower, spending way too much $.
Great idea! I keep a gift basket too, but I am cheaper than you because I sock away stuff from the Dollar Store. It seems we always have birthday parties to go to and I really load up.
TJ Maxx (right now) runs really great sales on Easter clothes and I buy Easter dresses as birthday gifts. The mothers love me because they have their Easter dress for the following year :) They are fifty dollar dresses and I spend maybe five dollars on them :)
One mom commented on how she couldn't believe I spent that much. My friend grinned at her and said, "You don't know Amy then b/c that girl did not pay full price for that ."
Way to be a frugal momma! Thanks for swinging by my blog!
Thanks Gabriela, I've never set foot in a Kohls...and now, thanks to you and your cool tip Wednesday, I HAVE to.
When I was growing up, Mom used to have a stash of potential gifts for all occasions stored in the coat closet. Not only did we have stuff she bought on sale, but any time anybody in the family got a gift they didn't like, the "I don't want that" item went into the stash. Usually this worked really well, but I seem to remember a time or two that someone outside the family received the same gift from us that they had given to us...
You are one smart chica, in my opinion. I keep a stash of gifts on hand, too! (great ,minds think alike, eh?)
My mom does this and has me hooked on it. It's also how I buy clothes for Cam for the next year. Sales and good prices are the best!
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